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Welcome to your resources page!   

Hello my lovely! 
If you found this page, you probably have a copy of The CARE Wellbeing Model book. Whether it's an ebook, paperback or *audiobook - I'm so glad you have it! Now we can really start making some magic. 
Here you will find all the resources mentioned in the book. From videos and audios with techniques to boost you up and calm you down, to posters to remind you how fabulous you are! 
When you have the audiobook, you'll find most of the techniques sprinkled throughout the book in the same places I refer to them in the written format. But, if you've got the paperback or you want to access a particular technique over again without having to find it in the book, they are all here for you. (*audiobook available 2022/23) 
Of course, if you want even more techniques, you can also access my videos on my YouTube channel.  
If you haven't already, take a look at my Burnout Buster book. This one is smaller than the CARE book and is specifically focused on burnout; how to spot it, how to prevent it and how to heal from it. Below you'll find a little gift - a FREE PDF copy of it for you! 
In the CARE Wellbeing Model book, and in conferences and workshops, I mention many experts and their science or theories. I've included the details of my favourite source books below, so you can read more about the things that fire me up! 
If you'd like to drop me a line with questions or suggestions of things to add to your resources page, please do! email me at 
And if you haven't already, you can sign up for my Monday Motivator Message and get extra techniques for wellbeing and a reminder of how fabulous you are, every Monday! You can sign up at the bottom of this page. 
What's here? 
Videos and audios 
• The Shield technique to protect you from drama and Other People's Stuff 
• The hammer, be kind in your mind 
• Little wins and WWW (what went well?) 
• Sanity Spaces 
• Switch off techniques 
• Bridge between you and the fridge 
• Shake off anxiety and overwhelm, part one 
• Work out anxiety and overwhelm, part two 
• Breathing: 7/11 and alternate nostril techniques 
• Start your day bright audio - Today is a great day 
• Seasonal Affected Disorder (SAD) Video and Audio sunshine 
• Overview of the CARE Wellbeing Model 
• You ARE a STAR 
Other Stuff 
• Book references 
• Your FREE copy of Burnout Buster! 
• A Virtual Spa for you 
• Video about Burnout Bob and the science of stress 
Graphics you an download and print 
• Reframe a difficult experience 
• Your permission ticket! 
• Gardner 8 Intelligences 
• Finding your SuperPower 
• Finding your purpose - Ikigai 
• Red Flags - being stuck 
• Red Flags you might spot 
• What is the Right Thing Right Now? 
• What helps behaviour change? 
• Stress Fixers 
• Poster of STAR 
• Poster of the CARE Wellbeing Model by artist Helena Tyce 


The Shield Technique - protect yourself from drama and OPS 

The hammer - Boosting not bashing 

Little Wins and WWW at the end of the day 

Sanity Spaces 

Switch off techniques 

Building a bridge between you and the fridge 

Anxiety and overwhelm - part one, shake it off 

Anxiety and overwhelm part two - work it out 

Breathing Techniques - 7/11 

Breathing Technique - Alternate Nostril  

Start your day bright - Audio 

Seasonal Affected Disorder (SAD) - Video sunshine 

Seasonal Affected Disorder (SAD) Audio sunshine 

The CARE Wellbeing Model overview 

You are a STAR - Someone Truly Amazing Really 

 What is Pam talking about?  Here's the research behind the things I share - the science and the psychology 

(Click on book titles for more information) 
The one that talks about trauma getting locked into the body, and how to release it (quite academic and dense but mind-blowingly fascinating!) 
The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel Van De Kolk 
The one that describes how the body becomes ill when we don't acknowledge and deal with our emotions and reactions: 
When the body says no by Gabor Mate 
The one that describes how a change of mindset can help us to avoid, heal from or lessen the impact of cancer: 
Love, medicine and miracles by Bernie Siegel 
The one that tells the story of a company that was brought back from the brink of extinction by beginning to show more care for their staff: 
Everybody Matters by Bob Chapman and Raj Sisodia 
A link to an illustration that describes Kahler's five drivers, the crazy stuff that makes us try to hard 😉 
Two books by the chap who researched into oxytocin (the kindness drug!) and how you can shift your health by what you picture in your mind: 
How your mind can heal your body by Dr David Hamilton 
The little book of kindness by Dr David Hamilton 
This is the chap who first made gratitude a world-wide conversation. His research showed that writing down three good things about your day at bedtime had huge positive effects: 
Learned Optimism by Martin Seligman 
The one about research into what makes people happy...what REALLY motivates people at work? 
The Progress Principle by Teresa Amabile 
The book by the clever person I studied neuroscience with on her 'Neuro-science Professional' Programme,  
Dr Lynda Shaw: 
Your brain is boss by Dr Lynda Shaw 
The other one I wrote! 
Click this link to see the paperback and ebook on Amazon, or click on the book cover to get your FREE PDF version. You're welcome! 

Download your free PDF copy! 

33 Red Flags that you're heading for burnout and 
33 things to do about them 
A cold cup of coffee, a missed lunch, a cancelled catch-up with a good friend, an abandoned hobby…what have these things got in common, and even more importantly, do they sound familiar? 
It's time to read this book. This straight forward and short read could just have what you need to avoid (or heal from) burnout. Take a little time for your precious self. 
Or buy your very own ebook or paperback here on Amazon! 

Your Spa Retreat! 

Every last Monday of the month I run a live YouTube event in which you get 60 minutes of Spa Experience. It's very popular and people who join in say they get the best night's sleep ever. Here's the recording of the one from April 2021. No need to wait for the last Monday of the month, get your feet in some bubble bath right now! You deserve it ;) 

A sneaky video from my paid programme 'CARE Wellbeing Model online' 

Meet Bob. Meet Bob's having a bad day (or life!). 
Be more you. Don't be like Bob. 
This module helps you understand the physical and mental symptoms and consequences of stress. And what to do about it. 
"It was a real joy to listen to the insightful pointers Pam Burrows had in identifying and dealing with "burnout triggers" that we may encounter in stressful situations - especially those that engineers would be likely to find in industry. She gave some fantastic tips on dealing with the stressful things that we may come across during this uncertain period with COVID-19. She also made my first experience with Zoom a pleasant one" 
Mechanical Engineer, Sheffield University 
“I thought that I get in touch to say what a great idea it is to have the Wellbeing webinars. Good to hear this sort of thing at any time but needed so much more with everything that is going on for us all right now. The first session today with Pam today was fantastic and I, for one, will be doing those exercises and using the things explained all the time” 
Delegate CDK ltd 
"Pam’s programme is helping us to manage a complex topic in a way that engages our employees. I would recommend Pam to any company looking to implement an effective wellbeing programme." 
Andrew Jones, Corporate Director, Tetra Pak 
"Thank you so much for the fantastic webinar on Monday evening. It was totally brilliant, and just exactly what I'd imagined as the face-to-face session but delivered online to students across at least four countries and three continents!" 
Wellbeing workshop delegate 
"Pam, you truly are amazing. Everyone loved you and you definitely won the best presenter of the conference day from our staff. Thank you so much for all the great tips and advice which I know staff will be taking up, particularly with us working from home hunched over our laptops and probably not looking after ourselves as much as we should. Look forward to having you back when we do another staff event." 
Head of HR 
"Pam’s programme is helping us to manage a complex topic in a way that engages our employees. I would recommend Pam to any company looking to implement an effective wellbeing programme." 
Andrew Jones, Corporate Director, Tetra Pak